Diversity Foundation
Diversity Public Utility Foundation is a non-profit organization founded in 2007. Our mission is to build an inclusive society that is ecologically responsible and sustainable.
Most of our projects are located in Gödöllő and the surrounding area, Central Hungary, although we have education programmes in other parts of the country as well.

Our main activities

Labour market reintegration
Since 2017 we have been working on labour market reintegration of disadvantaged people, as part of the INCORPORA network in Hungary. We provide individual job counselling in Gödöllő and its surroundings for disadvantaged people such as career starters, those with low levels of education or aged above fifty years, disabled people, women, people living in poverty. We help our clients writing CVs, looking for job opportunities and accompany them throughout the job search process until successful employment.
Adult education
Our activities include the elaboration and realization of trainings in the field of ecological farming, equal opportunities and environmental awareness-raising. We are a licensed education institution. Apart of formal education programmes, we also take part in CSR and awareness-raising events. Our education activities are practice-oriented, and we have an extensive pool of ecological agriculture experts and practitioners, as our teachers and trainers.

SZIA Agroecological Garden
In 2019 we started our Social Garden (Holdvilág szociális kert) in Gödöllő, and in 2021 we moved it to the territory of Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences. The name of our current garden is SZIA Agroecological Garden. Our aim is to provide learning and working opportunities for disabled and disadvantaged people. Our ecological garden is a place for trainings, volunteer programs, school camps and community events related to environmentally conscious lifestyle and social inclusion.
International projects, Erasmus+
The foundation is actively participating in Erasmus+ KA2 projects, has experience in vocational education. Our activities include developing and delivering trainings for farmers and for professionals who work with disadvantaged people. We also provide training methodologies that particularly support the motivation and competence development of low educated people.

From 2017 -2020 we were project partners in the „Revitalist – Social Farm Mentor Training” Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership project. Revitalist is a new initiative that intends to take further the concept of Social Farming by elaborating a new curriculum based on a social and therapeutic method of education (Practical Skills Therapeutic Education, PSTE), by creating and collecting a pool of background materials and by establishing a network of professionals, and this way responding to several European regional and local policy needs.
From September 2019-2022 Diversity Foundation was the consortium leader of the „ trAEce – Agroecological Vocational Training for Farmers” project. trAEce is a three-year-long capacity-building, knowledge development and strategic partnership project funded by the Erasmus+ programme. The project is farmer centred and its main aim is to offer farmers and their trainers with competency-based training skills and tools to ensure that they adapt their agricultural practice towards agroecological (AE) practices.
From March 2022 Diversity Foundation is the consortium leader of the “Hortus Medicus – Horticultural Therapy Education Tools in Action” project. The Hortus Medicus project’s goal is to develop a comprehensive 120-hour horticultural therapy training program including educational materials and online learning content. The training program includes a curriculum and a handbook. Both of these educational resources will merge the existing and our new philosophies and practices in the field of horticultural therapy. We want to create innovative training that can be provided in the traditional way of contact teaching as well as in the form of blended learning, with theoretical parts in e-learning.
Our Team